USA Kettlebell Sport Lifting Team
Thank you for your support as we continue our work toward complete inclusion in the Olympic Games.
USA Kettlebell Sport Lifting
Kettlebell Lifting is a World recognized weight lifting sport performed with one or two kettlebell weights. Athletes lift specific kettlebell weights in a repetitive fashion for a 10 minute set to achieve their maximum number of repetitions. This result is used in a computation, along with the athlete’s weight and the weight of the bell for a final total when scoring athletes in the same body weight and bell weight categories. The sport is based on 300 year old Russian training tactics and due to the intense core training it provides, is widely utilized to cross train athletes as well as those athletes in Kettlebell Sport.
The IUKL (International Union of Kettlebell Lifters) is USA Kettlebell Sport Lifting’s governing federation and has been recognized and granted by the GAISF (Global Association of International Sport Federations) their current Observer Status. This is a crucial first step towards full inclusion of Kettlebell Sport on many new platforms including the Junior, Senior, World games and ultimately into the Olympics. Getting Kettlebell Sport recognized and included in the Olympics is one of the fundamental drives for this non-profit. USKSL also strives to create a cohesive, inclusive, educational and recognizable group to advance this goal.
Kettlebell Sport Lifting has BLOWN UP in the United States thanks to your support! Our first year a huge success as we brought American lifters a professionally ran and organized National event followed by developing our National Team and bringing our first International Team to the IUKL World Stage.
Along with this, USKSL, in our first year, were able to financially support our Professional Lifters by providing them with their USKSL Uniform. We could not have done this without help from the Kettlebell Lifters. Thank you for attending and supporting our National event and our vision with your membership.
The growth and exposure of Kettlebell Sport, with help from USKSL over this past year has been extraordinary. Being able to share our Sport first hand with the top of all Sport authorities was priceless, attending both The SportAccord Gold Coast and PanAmerican SportAccord.
Thank you for coming along with us on this journey, bringing Kettlebell Sport to America and beyond.